wtorek, 26 listopada 2013

Bananas - not how you know it

Tigger loves bananas. Bananas and air is all he needs to survive. Today in a different version then.

1 banana
pinch of cinnamon
1 teaspoon unsalted butter
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice

Melt the butter in a pan. Add slices of banan and cinnamon. Saute for about 2 minutes stirring constantly. Add OJ and cook for another 2 minutes. Mash with a fork. You can add natural yogurt if you wish.

środa, 3 kwietnia 2013

Salmon and potatoes with cheesy dill souce

after 7 months
6 portions
freezable (without potato)

175g fillet of salmon
milk (enough to cover the fish))
1 bay leaf
1 tsp butter
pinch of cinnamon (to mask smell of the fish)

medium potato

Cheese souce
20g butter
2 tbsp flour
175ml milk
2 tbsp grated cheese
dill, spring onions or parley - chopped

Cover fish with enough milk, add a little bit of butter, cinnamon and bay leaf and cook for 5 minutes until fish flakes easily.
Steam or boil potato and mash it.

Melt the butter, stir in flour. Add milk stirring constantly until everything combine. Bring it to boil and cook another minute on a low heat stirring. Remove from the heat, add shredded cheese and dill. Mash the potato with fish, pour the sauce over it.

niedziela, 3 lutego 2013

Greek yogurt with nectarine

after 7 months
preparation time: 5 minutes
not suitable for freezing

1 tablespoon of Greek Yogurt
half of nectarine or peach

Cover nectarine with boiling water for one minute and then swap it for cold water. Make a cross on top of it with a sharp knife and peel off the skin. Dice it and steam it. Mash with fork or put it through a sieve and add yogurt.

poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2012

Pumpkin and Turkey

after 5 months
suitable for freezing

handful of pumpkin or squash, peeled and diced
small potato
1 slice of fillet of turkey (or chicken), diced
1/2 ts semolina (contains gluten)
1 ts olive oil or rapeseed oil

Cook turkey separately. Puree. Put potato and semolina together, cover with water and cook until tender. Add pumpkin towards the end of cooking (if we use fresh pumpkin cook it together with potato from the beginning) . Add turkey and oil. Puree.

wtorek, 11 września 2012

Broccoli risotto with turkey

kilka różyczek brokuła
plaster filetu z indyka
łyżeczka brązowego ryżu (użyłam zmielonego w młynku do kawy)
łyzeczka oleju rzepakowego

Filet pokroić w kostkę i ugotować oddzielnie, rozdrobnić.Brokuła podsmazyć lekko na oleju, przykryć wodą (lepiej wcześniej pokroić drobniej, uzyje się wtedy mniej wody) i podgotować kilka minut. Dodać ryż i gotować na wolnym ogniu mieszając aż będzie miękki. Dodać indyka. Zmiksować do porządanej konsystencji.

few broccoli florets
slice of fillet of turkey 
a teaspoon of brown rice (I used grounded in a coffee grinder)
a teaspoon of canola oil

Cut the turkey into cubes and cook separately, chop or puree. Stir - fry the broccoli, cover with water (if you cut it into small pieces before frying you will use less water) and cook for a few minutes. Add rice and cook over low heat stirring occassionally until soft. Add turkey. Puree as required.

Fish with spinach

large handful of spinach leaves

fish fillet (salomon, cod)
half coocked egg yolk
teaspoon of canola oil
a slice of garlic, chopped

Steam the fish. Fry garlic in oil, add the spinach and cook until the leaves wilt. Flake the fish with a fork making sure that there are no bones. Add chopped egg yolk. Stew it for a while and blend briefly.

Tigger screamed at the sight of the empty bowl asking for a top-up.

sobota, 11 sierpnia 2012


Tigger loves his breakfast. Initially I served it with fruit puree but I think it better for him to learn to eat it plain. As a result, every morning he is crying for cereal / porridge / rice and kicking with joy at the sight of his green bowl.
Brown rice and millet cereal - I grind them in a coffee grinder. This saves me cooking time and there is no pureeing afterwards. When baby is able to chew you can of course shorten grinding time, or abandon it completely . I cook it in the ratio  1:4 (powder to liquid). I cook using water, mostly, sometimes adding a little bit of breast milk.
Millet is a little bitter so initially I added it to rice or porridge. Now I mix it half and half, gradually increasing the proportion of millet.


2 tablespoons millet (wholegrain)
glass of water (200ml)
milk (breast milk or mm)
fruit puree

Rinse millet under cold water and pour boiling water over it. Bring glass of water to boil, add grains and simmer covered for 15-20 min. Set aside for further 10min. Puree or put it through a sieve. Add milk to desired consistency.

Apple may be added half way cooking.